Down on Moccasin Lane
After Tennessee, we headed to Alabama for Thanksgiving. What a treat it was to be able to visit with all of Uncle Jim and Aunt Jo Anne's family, who were visiting them for the holiday. Laura Kate, their first great grandchild, knew the best transportation when hiking about the farm-- Daddy Kyle's shoulders!

After an incredibly sumptuous Thanksgiving dinner, we all headed out on an adventure to walk away some of the many calories we had consumed. Thanks to the Duncans for creating this excellent little resting spot along Moccasin Lane on the creek.

Along the way back to the house, we encountered a neighbor's beautiful donkey baby and its mother. This little one was just stunning!

Both baby and mother were very receptive to any petting and attention we wanted to offer. Deb and Ashley were glad to comply.

Having heard from the Duncans about strange orbs they had seen at Providence Cemetery, Uncle Jim's crew decided to check it out for themselves. Much to our surprise, they found the same phenomenon in the photos they took at the cemetery just after dusk. In an effort to replicate the experiment, we tried the Healing Springs cemetery the following evening and found much the same. A little bit spooky!